Explore the Galaxy
Stargate LRP is a system inspired by the Stargate canon – we are an established LRP society with a game built and run by its members and led by an elected Executive.
Our system’s canon diverges from the show, with the Victorian-era discovery of what was later identified to be a Stargate under Stonehenge that was brought into operation by Britain. Your characters are part of the British-led international Stargate Expeditionary Force, who undertake a standing mission to explore the galaxy, make alliances and protect Earth from alien threats.
We are a non-profit live role playing society, run by role-players for role-players – members are allowed to vote on the direction of the society via our AGMs but everyone is a volunteer and all ticket fees and membership fees are ploughed back into the game.
Stargate LRP endeavours to provide new players and long term members an immersive and fun experience that makes people keep coming back to see a little more – so why don’t you sign up and see the Galaxy?
Who are we?
Stargate LRP UK is a member-owned non-profit LRP. Our Committee supports teams of volunteer Event Runners to run events set within our small corner of the Stargate Fandom.
Do you actually have a Stargate or do you just ‘pretend’?
No, we have an actual gate prop – it’s one of the most important things for us that we have a gate (or two) present for games and our current gate has served us well with a new lick of paint and a few upgrades to go with our various DHDs.

What do we do?
We run LRP events set in our own offshoot of the Stargate Canon where a British-led force known as the Stargate Expeditionary Force (SEF) operates out of Corsham in the UK using a Stargate recovered in the Victorian Era from beneath Stonehenge.
Our events are primarily action-orientated but with heavy exploration and research themes – with most events following a format of players operating out of a central basecamp (usually off-Earth) with ‘linears’ performed by teams who step through the Stargate onto unknown worlds.
Much of what we run is recognizably Stargate, with Goa’uld being a common foe, as well as strange and unique threats in the time-honoured tradition of science fiction to throw a bit of a unknown threat at our players now and again.
See photos from previous eventsWhat are your rules like?
Our rules are generally cinematic, characters tend to get injured and med-evac’ed rather than dying, combat tends to be fast paced with players using a system of ‘feats’ that give them one-shot abilities that can swing a battle in their favour.
How do you do combat?
Our combat is a cinematic calls-based system with various ‘types’ of weapon doing different levels of damage, and being able to apply special effects alongside damage. SGLRP has a fairly heavy numbers-based combat system so you should be aware of that before joining.
We tend to use unloaded/deactivated airsoft weapons for our firearms props but these are never used to fire projectiles. In recent years the game world has expanded technologically so we often make use of props based around Nerf guns as well as 3D Printed ones, all are acceptable. Armour tends to be plate carriers.
Download the rules

What is your costume standard?
We tend to wear modern clothing as our setting is in the near future with some differences – we are not pedantic about the authenticity of your military costume if you play a military character and tend to rely on military surplus equipment as a whole. Our minimum standard has been black t-shirt and black comfortable cargo trousers, but in recent years with the availability of British MTP for quite cheap via online surpluse sellers the majority of military characters wear that camouflage pattern but it is by no means required (just mentioned here to answer the question of ‘what camouflage to most of your players wear’).

What characters can I play?
We ask that new players begin as characters from any of the nations of Earth until they are more familiar with the setting, and the majority of player characters will be from Earth as we are, in character, a Earth-led organisation.
Beyond that stipulation you can play anything, the core character backgrounds are that of Military, Intelligence, and Civilian but these can be customised into almost any character, we’ve had everything from common Soldiers and Archaeologists, to Combat Zoologists and Army Interpreters.
Check out the new recruits guideOur Exec Team
Our committee is here to help answer any questions you might have. If you want to ask any questions about Stargate, see below.Sally & Bobbie
If you want to talk about generally joining the game, then you can contact the President.
Secretary / Treasurer
If you want to talk about booking onto one of our events, you can contact the Secretary.
Plot Coordinator
If you want to talk about character ideas or our lore, you can talk to our Plot Coordinator.
Dan, Mark, & Marc
System Referees
If you have a question about our rules, then you can contact our System Referees.